If you found me, you must already be on a journey towards wholeness, driven by a longing to make sense of what it means to be human in a world turned upside down. Like me, you must be living with questions about how to live and love better, to be more human in the face of all the worldwide upheaval.

I hear you and I feel you.

I carry the same burning questions in my heart about the world and our place and task in it as human beings, alive at this particular point in human and world evolution. The answer that keeps meeting me is this: we are here to love bigger, deeper, more courageously, wholeheartedly, and consciously. In this arena, we have all been playing too small because we don’t know how. We are hurt, wounded, traumatised, brokenhearted and have been perpetuating old stories that only create the same dynamic.

I came to this work because I was ready to change that story. Deep in my heart, I knew I was co-authoring every disappointment and heartbreak, yet I realised that if I had the power to do that then I certainly have the power to create something else.

And when you’re ready, the teachers come.

For me, one of them was Katherine Woodward Thomas. I was in the midst of a painful and unexpected breakup when I listened to her speak about Conscious Uncoupling™. Everything she was saying touched me so profoundly that I decided to do the work for myself and then take on the training so that I could pay it forward and help others. I have been down that road so many times and I wanted to do it differently--from a place of love, compassion and self-responsibility. Through her, I finally learned to do this. It would be my privilege to walk with you on this path.

If you’re not in the midst of a relationship rupture but are ready to change your relationship patterns so you can call in a better, healthier love, then Calling In The One™ is the path for you. Here we discover the truth of who we are, examine the beliefs we have been showing up in that have become the blueprint of all our relationships. We learn to show up for ourselves and others in the fullness of who we really are at last, no longer the person stuck in an old, defeatist story unconsciously formed by ancient wounds.

This is not easy work, obviously, as we all know how difficult it is to change, but I have a practice that makes it all possible and that is a program called HeartMath®, which is a system of techniques that help us emotionally self-regulate, activate the intelligence of the heart, and help us shift our baseline from chaotic to coherent, allowing us to not only feel calmer, more focused, but enable us to make better decisions as well. I incorporate these techniques at every coaching session.

I am a lifelong student of Anthroposophy which, in the simplest terms, is the study of the fourfold human being: body, soul, spirit and the I, as developed by Rudolf Steiner. Anthroposophy led me to Waldorf/Steiner Education and many of its sister initiatives. It informs all that I do.

I am a mother of two young men whom I consider the greatest gifts of my life.

I bring all these elements to the work I look forward to sharing with you.

Let’s do this together.

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